08 May 2019

R-Python-Matlab (Basics)

A brief cheatsheet for those who use R daily, and use other script programing languages, Python and Matlab, occasionally.


Arithmetic Operators

R Python Matlab Description
x=c x=c define x and assign c to it
x+y x+y x+y addition
x-y x-y x-y subtraction
x*y x*y x*y multiplication
x/y x/y x/y division
x^y x**y x.^y power
x%/%y x%y rem(x,y) Reminder

Basic function

R Python Matlab Description
sqrt(x) math.sqrt(x) sqrt(x) square root
log(x) math.log(x) log(x) logarithm base e
log10(x) math.log10(x) log10() logarithm base 10
exp(x) math.exp(x) exp(x)  


R Python Matlab Description
def name (arguments):
    return output
function [returns]=name(argument):


R Python Matlab Description
round() round() round() round
ceil() math.ceil() ceil() round up
floor() math.floor() floor() round down


R Python Matlab Description
sin(x) math.sin(x) sin(x)  
asin(x) math.asin(x) asin(x)  

Logical Operators

R Python Matlab Description
FALSE False false  
TRUE True true  
a & b a & b a & b AND
a|b a|b a|b OR
!a not a ~a Not
xor(a,b) a!=b xor(a,b) Logical exclusive OR
x&&y and x&&y Short-circuit FALSE
|| or || Short-circuit TRUE
any(x,y) any([x,y]) any(x,y) TRUE if any element is TRUE
all(a,b) all([x,y]) all(x,y) TRUE if all element is TRUE

Data structure

R Python Matlab Description
vec=c(x,y,z) vec=np.array([[x, y, z]]) vec=[x y z] vector
vec[i] vec[i] cev(i) call the ith element
t(c(x,y,z)) np.array([[x, y, z]]).T [x y z]’ transpose of vector
mat=matrix(c(x,y,z,w),ncol=2) mat=np.array([[x, y], [z,w]]) mat=[x y, z w] matrix
matrix(0,x,y) zeros(x,y) zeros(x,y) Zero x*y matrix
dim(mat) mat.shape size(mat) size of matrix
diag(x) np.diag(x) diag(x) diagonal matrix
mat[i,] mat[i-1,] mat(i,:) call the ith row
mat[,j] mat[,j-1] mat(:,j) call the ith column
rbind(mat1,mat2) np.concatenate(mat1,mat2,axis=0) [mat1;mat2] combine by row
cbind(mat1,mat2) np.concatenate(mat1,mat2,axis=1) [mat1,mat2] combine by column

Data frame

R Python Matlab Description
df=data.frame() df=pd.DataFrame() ds = mat2dataset(X)  
apply(df, 2, FUN) df.apply(FUN, axis=1) varfun(FUN,ds) Run function on columns
apply(df, 1, FUN) df.apply(FUN, axis=0) varfun(FUN,ds) Run function on rows
df = pd.DataFrame([[4, 4], [5, 5]])
df.apply(lambda x: x.mean(), axis=0)
df.apply(lambda x: x.mean(), axis=1)


R Python Matlab Description
which(x==a) np.where(x == a) find(x == a) Check the condition
which.max(x) np.where(x==np.max(x)) find(x == max(x)) Find maximum
which.min(x) np.where(x==np.min(x)) find(x == min(x)) Find minimum


R Python Matlab Description  
NA np.nan NaN Missing  
NaN np.nan NaN Not a number  
Inf ‘inf’ Inf infinity  
is.na(x) np.isnan(x) isnan(x) Test whether it na  
anyNA(X) x.isnull().any().any()   sum(isnan(x)>1 Test whether there is any na

Set operator

R Python Matlab Description  
unique(x) np.unique(x) unique(x) find unique value  
intersect(x,y) x.intersectionf(y) intersect(x,y) find itersect value  
setdiff(x,y) x-y setdiff(x,y) difference of set  
see below x.symmetric_difference(y) setxor(x,y)   set exclusion
np.isin(c,x) ismemner(c,x) True if x includes c  

setxor <- function(x,y) setdiff(union(x,y), intersect(x,y))

Conditional operator

R Python Matlab Description
if (condition){
if condition :
if condition
ifelse elif elseif  
else else else  


R Python Matlab Description
for (i in indices){
for i in indices:
for i=indices


Summary statistics

R Python Matlab Description
mean(x) np.mean(x) mean(x)  
median(x) np.median(x) median(x) calculate sample mdeian
var(x) np.var(x) var(x)  
sd(x) np.std(x) std(x)  
cov(x,y) np.cov(x,y) cov(x,y)  
corr(x,y) np.corrcoef(x,y) corr(x,y)  

Random number

R Python Matlab Description
runif(n,a,b) np.random.uniform(a,b,n) unifrnd(a,b,1,n)  
rnorm(n,a,b) np.random.normal(a,b,n) normrnd(a,b,1,n)  


R Python Matlab Description
seq(a,b,by=c) np.arange(a,b,c) a:c:b  
seq(a,b,length.out=c) np.linspace(a,b,c) linspace(a,b,c)  


R Python Matlab Description
rep(a,n) np.repeat(a,n) repmat(a,1,n)  
a:b a:b a:b  

Working directory

R | Python | Matlab|Description ——- | ——-| ——-| ——- dir()| os.dir(“.”) |dir | list files and folders getwd|os.getwcd() | pwd | Display the current working directory setwd|os.chdir(“folder”) | cd folder | Change the current working directory ls()| dir() | who | list of loaded objects rm(x)| del x| clear x | clear object x from memory rm(list = ls())| see below|clear all | clear all objects from memory

for obj in dir(): 
    if obj[0] == '_': continue
    del globals()[obj]

Needed Python library

import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

More useful link:


Copyright (c) 2018 Saeid Amiri

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