pip install numpy |
Install library |
pip install git+ |
Install from GitHub |
import numpy |
load library |
By putting # infront line, Python ignores running the rest.
x=1 # Python ignore |
Python ignores running after # |
import os
os.getcwd() |
See the working directory |
os.chdir() |
Change the working directory |
Mathematical operations
1 + 2 |
Addition |
1 - 2 |
Subtraction |
1 / 2 |
Division |
1 * 2 |
Multiplication |
1 ** 2 |
Power |
x += 1 |
Assign the value of x + 1 to x |
x -= 1 |
Assign the value of x - 1 to x |
Built-in Constants
None |
Absence of a value |
False |
The bool type false |
True |
The bool type true |
str() |
Convert the string |
int() |
Convert the integer |
float() |
Convert the floating |
bool() |
Convert the boolen |
l = list() |
Assign an empty list to l |
l = [3,2] |
Create list and assgn 3 and 2 to it |
l[0] |
Return the first value |
l[-1] |
Return the last value |
l[-4:] |
Return that last 4 items. |
l[1:4] |
Return subset containing the second till fourth values |
l[1::3] |
Return every third items starting from l[1] |
l.append(1) |
Append the value 1 to the end of l |
l+[1] |
Append the value 1 to the end of l |
l.sort() |
Sort l and replace original with it |
l.reverse() |
Sort reversely the items in l |
l.remove(a) |
Removes the first item equals to a. |
l.pop(2) |
Restun the second item and drop it from l |
[i for i in range(1,100) if i%2==0] |
Generate list of even number between 1 and 100 |
l= [1, "", 3] |
Creat a list with missing value. |
d={"weight":2.4, "height":15} |
Creat a dictionary with keys “weight” and “height”, and their corresponding values of 2.4, 15 |
d["weight"] |
Return values corrsponding “weight” |
d.keys() |
Return the keys from d |
d.values() |
Return the values from d |
d.items() |
Return (key, value) pairs from d |
Built-in function
len(x) |
Return the number of elements in x |
min(x) |
Return the min of the values of x |
sum(x) |
Return the sum of the values of x |
type(x) |
Return type of the values of x |
range(3,10) |
Generate a series of number from a number (3) to another number (10) with specific increment |
User Function
def name (argument): script
return output |
Create a function |
name = lambda arguments: script |
Create one line function |
if state1: script1 elif x < 0: script2 else: script3 |
Test state1 and state2, and run script corresponding to the correct statement, otherwise run script3 |
for value in obj: script |
Iterate the code for each value in obj |
while cond: script |
Run the code until reach to condion |
Boolean Comparisons
x == 2 |
Test whether x is equal to 2 |
x != 2 |
Test whether x is not equal to 2 |
x < 2 |
Test whether x is less than 2 |
x <= 2 |
Test whether x is less than or equal to 2 |
x > 2 |
Test whether x is greater than 2 |
x >= 2 |
Test whether x is greater than or equal to 2 |
(x == 2) or (y == 1) |
Test whether x is equal to 5 or y is equal to 1 |
(x == 2) | (y == 1) |
Test whether x is equal to 5 or y is equal to 1 |
(x == 2) and (y == 1) |
Test whether x is equal to 5 and y is equal to 1 |
(x == 2) & (y == 1) |
Test whether x is equal to 5 and y is equal to 1 |
3 in l |
Checks whether the value 3 exists in the l |
Numpy (NUMerical PYthon) provides very useful arrays structure to work with data.
import numpy as np |
pips install numpy |
python3 -m pip install --upgrade numpy |
np.array([1,2,3]) |
One dimensional array |
np.array([(1,2,3),(4,5,6)]) |
Two dimensional array |
arr[i] |
The ith element |
arr[i:] |
The ith row |
arr[i][j] |
The ith and jth element, the same as arr[i,j] |
np.full((2,1),2.2) |
2x1 array with all values 2.2 |
np.linspace(0, 1, 10) |
np.eye(3) |
A diagonal array of size 3x3 (Identity matrix) |
np.zeros(3) |
An array of length 3 with all values 0 |
np.ones((4,2)) |
An array of size 4x2 with all values 1 |
np.arange(1,14,4) |
An 1D array from 1 to 14 with step 4 |
np.random.rand(4,2) |
Generates a 4x2 array of random number from uniform |
np.random.rand(4,2) |
Generates a 4x2 array of random number from standard normal |
np.random.randint(low=1,high=20, size=(2,3)) |
Generates a 2x3 array of random ints between 1–20 |
np.random.choice(arr,size=s,replace=True,p=pr) |
Resamples of size s from arr acording probability pr |
np.savetxt('file.txt',arr,delimiter=' ') |
Writes to a text file |
np.savetxt('file.csv',arr,delimiter=',') |
Writes to a CSV file |
np.loadtxt('file.txt') |
Loads from a text file |
np.genfromtxt('file.csv',delimiter=',') |
Loads from a CSV file |'file_of_arr.npy ', arr) |
Saves array into a file |
np.savez('file_of_arr.npz', arr1, arr2) |
Saves array into a file |
np.load('my_array.npy') |
Loads arrays |
Inspecting arrays
arr.dtype |
Returns type of elements in array |
arr.size |
Returns number of elements in array |
len(arr) |
Length of array |
arr.shape |
Returns dimensions of arr |
arr.astype(dtype) |
Convert arr elements to type dtype |
arr.tolist() |
Convert arr to a Python list |
arr.sort() |
Sort elements of arr |
arr.sort(axis=0) |
Sorts elements of axis=0 of arr |
arr.reshape(4,3) |
Reshapes arr to 4x3 without changing data |
arr.resize((4,3)) |
Changes arr shape to 4x3 and fills new values with 0 |
arr.T |
Transposes arr |
np.concatenate(arr1,arr2,axis=0) |
concatenate arr2 to arr1 along the axis |
np.hstack((arr1,arr2)) |
Stack arrays horizontally (column wise) |
np.vstack((arr1,arr2)) |
Stack arrays vertically (row wise) |
arr2 = arr1.view() |
Create a view of the array with the same data |
np.copy(arr) |
Create a copy of aar |
arr2 = arr1.copy() |
Create a deep copy of the array |
Adding/Removing Elements
np.append(arr1,arr2) |
Append arr2 to arr1 |
np.insert(arr, 1, 10) |
Insert 10 on index 1 items |
np.delete(a,2) |
Delete element on index 1 from array |
arr[2] |
Returns the element at index 2 |
arr[2]=3 |
Assigns 3 to the element on index 2 |
arr[2,3] |
Returns the array element on index [2,3] |
arr[2,3]=10 |
Assigns 3 to the element on index [2,3] |
arr[:2] |
Returns the elements at indices 0,1 |
arr[2:4] |
Returns the elements at indices 2,3 |
arr[0:2,3] |
Returns the elements on rows 0,1 at column 3 |
arr[:,1] |
Returns the elements on column 2 |
arr[[1,2],[2,3]] |
Returns the elements at indices [1,3] and [2,3] |
arr<2 |
Returns a boolen array, True for arr<2 and False for the rest |
(arr1<2) & (arr2>3) |
Returns a boolen array, True for (arr1<3) & (arr2>5) and False for the rest |
arr[arr<2] |
Select array with elements smaller than 2 |
arr[~(arr<2)] |
Select array with elements not smaller than 2 |
Vector Math
np.add(arr1,arr2) |
Elementwise add arr2 to arr1 |
np.subtract(arr1,arr2) |
Elementwise subtract arr2 from arr1 |
np.multiply(arr1,arr2) |
Elementwise multiply arr1 by arr2 |
np.divide(arr1,arr2) |
Elementwise divide arr1 by arr2 |
np.power(arr1,arr2) |
Elementwise raise arr1 raised to the power of arr2 |
np.array_equal(arr1,arr2) |
Returns True if the arrays have the same elements and shape |
np.sqrt(arr) |
Square root of each element in the array |
np.sin(arr) |
Sine of each element in the array |
np.log(arr) |
Natural log of each element in the array |
np.abs(arr) |
Absolute value of each element in the array |
np.ceil(arr) |
Rounds up to the nearest int |
np.floor(arr) |
Rounds down to the nearest int |
np.round(arr) |
Rounds to the nearest int |
Aggregate Functions
arr.min() |
Returns minimum value of arr |
arr.max(axis=0) |
Returns maximum value of specific axis |
np.mean(arr,axis=0) |
Returns mean of specific axis |
np.median(arr,axis=0) |
Returns median of specific axis |
arr.sum() |
Returns sum of arr |
np.var(arr) |
Returns the variance of array |
np.std(arr,axis=1) |
Returns the standard deviation of specific axis |
np.quantile(arr,q=(q1,q2,..), axis=1) |
Returns the (q1,q2, ….) quantiles of specific axis |
arr.corrcoef() |
Returns correlation coefficient of array |
Pandas is built for working with data set.
import pandas as pd |
pip3 install pandas |
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pandas |
Create Data frame and series
pd.DataFrame(matrix, column=) |
Create data frame from matrix. |
pd.DataFrame(dict) |
Create data frame from a dict, keys would be used as the name of columns |
pd.Series(list) |
Create a series from a list |
df.index = pd.date_range('2000/1/1', periods=df.shape[0]) |
Add a date index to the data frame |
pd.read_csv(filename) |
Load CSV file |
pd.read_table(filename) |
Load from a delimited text file |
pd.read_excel(filename) |
Load from an Excel file |
pd.read_sql(query, connection_object) |
Load from a SQL table/database |
pd.read_json(json_string) |
Load from Read JSON formatted file s |
pd.read_html(url) |
Create a data from from an html URL |
pd.read_clipboard() |
Create a data frame from the contents of your clipboard |
df.to_csv(filename) |
Save df as a CSV file |
df.to_excel(filename) |
Save df as an Excel file |
df.to_sql(table_name, connection_object) |
Save df to a SQL table |
df.to_json(filename) |
Save df as a file in JSON format |
Inspecting arrays
arr.dtype |
Returns type of elements in array |
arr.size |
Returns number of elements in array |
len(arr) |
Length of array |
arr.shape |
Returns dimensions of arr |
arr.astype(dtype) |
Convert arr elements to type dtype |
arr.tolist() |
Convert arr to a Python list |
arr.value_counts(dropna=False) |
View unique values and counts |
df.head(l) |
Return the first l rows of the DataFrame |
df.tail(l) |
Return the last l rows of the DataFrame |
df.shape |
Return the number of rows and columns | |
Return index, datatype, and memory information |
df.describe() |
Return the summary statistics of numerical columns |
df.sort_values(col) |
Sort data frame values by col in ascending order |
df.sort_values(col,ascending=False) |
Sort data frame values by col in descending order |
df.sort_values([col1,col2],ascending=[True,False]) |
data frame values by col1 in ascending order then col2 in descending order |
Adding/Removing Elements
df.columns = ['name1','name2'] |
Add new name to columns |
df.rename(columns={'old_name': 'new_ name'}) |
Rename columns |
df.set_index('colu') |
Change the index to the given column |
s.replace([1,2],['two','one']) |
Replace 1 and 2 with ‘two’ and ‘one’, respectively |
pd.isnull() |
Find the null values, True for the null |
pd.notnull() |
Opposite to pd.isnull() |
df.dropna() |
Drop all rows that contain null values |
df.dropna(axis=1) |
Drop all columns that contain null values |
df.dropna(axis=1,thresh=n) |
Keep only the column with at least n non null values |
df.fillna(x) |
Replace all null values with x |
df.fillna([‘A’:0,‘B’:0]) |
Replace all null values in column ‘A’, and ‘B’, with 0, 1 respectively. |
s.fillna(s.mean()) |
Replace all null values with the mean or any other statistics you define |
df[col] |
Returns column with label col as Series |
df[[col1, col2]] |
Returns columns corresponding col1, col2 |
df.iloc[i,:] |
The (i-1)th row |
df.iloc[i,j] |
The (i-1)th and (j-1)th element |
s.iloc[i] |
Return elements in position (i-1) by position |
s.loc['index'] |
Return elements correspondingthe index |
df[df[col] < 1] |
Return element less than 1 in column col |
df[(df[col] > 0.5) & (df[col] < 1)] |
Return 0.5< element < 1 in column col |
Group by
df.groupby(col) |
Group data frame based on col. |
df.groupby(col).mean() |
Calculate mean after grouping based on col. |
df.groupby(col1).agg(fun) |
Group the data frame based on col and run function on it. |
df.pivot_table(index=col1,values=[col2,col3],aggfunc=mean) |
Create a pivot table using index of col1 and calculates the mean (or any other function) of col2 and col3 |
df.apply(fun) |
Apply the function fun across each column |
df.apply(np.max,axis=1) |
Apply the function fun across each row |
df1.append(df2) |
Add the rows in df1 to the end of df2 (columns should be identical) |
pd.concat([df1, df2],axis=1) |
Add the columns in df1 to the end of df2 (rows index should be identical) |
Aggregate Functions
df.describe() |
Summary statistics for numerical columns |
df.count() |
Returns the number of non-null values in each DataFrame column |
df.min() |
Returns the minimum in each column |
df.max() |
Returns the maximum in each column |
df.mean() |
Returns the mean in each column |
df.median() |
Returns the median in each column |
df.std() |
Returns the standard deviation in each column |
df.corr() |
Returns the correlation between columns |
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Copyright (c) 2019 Saeid Amiri and Leila Alimehr